My Platform

1. Immigration
We cannot wait for the Federal Government to enact a comprehensive and sound immigration policy. It has become too politicized and the extremists will continue to use the issue for political gain. In GA, we must act on our own - not to enforce / interpret Federal law - but to address the reality of an immigration pattern concentrated in Georgia.

Immigrants who commit certain crimes, including but not limited to any GA felony, should be deported upon completion of their sentence. Still, GA's Agri-Business industries need a steady labor supply. To ensure that all laborers and all employers contribute to the State economy we need to do three things:

  • First, identify all those living within our borders by requiring all residents to obtain a photo ID card showing the persons name, address, DOB, and thumb-print. 

  • Next, issue all residents a unique State identification number. This number will permit a person to work lawfully. Employers who fail to secure the employees identification number and verify it with the State would face strong penalties. 

  • Finally, require all employers to withhold state taxes from every employee without recognizing exemptions from withholding. All those entitled to a refund from withheld taxes will receive their refund upon the filing of a complete State tax return.


2. Education
Georgia has the 10th largest economy in the US. That means GA should be in the top 10 in all areas. Education is no exception. Yet, consistently, GA is at the bottom of the list for student performance.

We need to implement national standards for education for each grade level. A student in East Hall should get every bit as good an education as a student in East Kentucky. We have to let the local school boards have more autonomy in determining the curriculum as long as their students are passing the promotion exams. We need to end social promotion. We need to stop pushing 16-year-olds out the door the first time they resist authority. We need to identify the children that need extra instruction early and provide an instructional program tailored to the child's needs.


3. Campaign / Lobbying Reform
As long as the people feel that they don't have a choice at the polls, voter turn out will be down. We have a storied tradition of "the tyranny of incumbency" in GA. Strongly limiting campaign contributions, campaign spending and lobbying influence will put all candidates on a more equal playing field. A candidate who would not be able to raise enough money to compete with an incumbent, will instead join the great debate of real issues facing our community. We must do this to restore confidence and transparency in State Government.


Letter to Voters in Georgia's 49th Senatorial District  

My fellow Citizens,

There are three distinct phases that shape the way we live our lives: as children we strive to please and honor our parents; as young adults we extend these efforts to please a spouse; and for those of us blessed with children, in the third phase, we try to live our lives in a way that will make our children proud to inherit a world that’s a little better from our contributions to it.

And so I have announced my candidacy for State Senate for District 49.

This is an important commitment. Not one to be entered into lightly. This should not be a stepping stone to higher office. I have a commitment to serve the people of Northeast Georgia. I have a long career history of public service and volunteerism. I have studied the issues that are important to Northeast Georgians.

And these are the issues that I will take up in the new session: 

  • First, immigration reform. I have a plan to eliminate under-the-table payments to seasonal workers. My plan will eliminate withholding exemptions for non-Citizen workers. I will issue a photo identification card to all residents of Georgia so we have a picture, thumb print, name and address for every person living within our borders. This card will bear a unique employment authorization number without which no one will hire you. When we know the identity and location of every resident, we will improve our Homeland Security.

  • Next, tax reform. The tax laws in our state need an overhaul. We need a tax system that treats every person and every business fairly. Unfair taxes inhibit our growth and potential for success.

  • Next, Lobbyist and campaign finance reform. We must have transparency in government. As long as the people feel that State government is just a way for millionaires to give each other sweetheart land deals and tax breaks no one else gets, we will never have the confidence of the electorate to pass important legislation in other areas.

  • Finally, as for our natural resources, I will defend Lake Lanier from those neighbors who would take us to court to drain her.

All of these things I will do in a way that will make Georgia proud of this native son.

The one thing you will not get from me is a partisan, negative campaign. Anyone, everyone who has the courage to step up and pledge to serve the people of our community should be commended. But I won’t be sidetracked by the wedge issues that cause us to spin our wheels when Georgians need leadership to move forward.

Visit my website at to find out more about me and to learn how you can contribute to this campaign. You need to know you have a choice. You need to know Arturo Corso.

Decisions in government are made by those who show up. I am going to be there for you, lead you, and honor you. So show up at the polls on November 7th and let your voice be heard. Until then, farewell and May God Bless Georgia and the United States of America.

Arturo Corso
Candidate for State Senate

Committee to Elect Arturo Corso
431 Green Street
Gainesville, GA 30501
(770) 532-9732